
Walking and Talking Fun






Lot of time spent just living today. Walked several times for short distances and met lots of folks ready to visit nicely. It sure was nice.

We seldom leave the front door open while in the rig. There is no good reason why it just has not been a habit. But for unknown reasons we left the main door open most of the morning letting the nice cool air into the rig and venting the stale air.

It was a morning of clean air that felt really nice and pleasant. It also encouraged the OFM to get out and visit neighbors for a change. That turned out to be very rewarding.

Then after lunch we came back and worked on trying to work out future traveling. During the afternoon we did another walk and had two great visits with other travelers. Somewhere along that afternoon time we sat out at the picnic table for a bit sipping root beer and supervising the sunlight coming through the trees as we considered our travel options.

And once again we got up and ended up visiting with some newly arrived folks who are here from NW Alabama for a few days and watching some of the trees already changing colors for fall.

They were really interesting folks to visit and made the time go by incredibly fast. When it is all said and done it was a great day of meeting new friends and telling stories. Does it get any better than that? I doubt it.

Good night and sleep well.


  1. Are most of the people you meet weekend campers? Any full-time RVers?

    1. Well Steve I do not have a most of the people situation. Yesterday was a couple of weekenders, some folks looking at the campground for a group gathering,. Out on the trail were local walkers and campground people , fisher folk in the river, nature photographers etc, In the campgrounds is nearly every type of camper/RVer you can think of. In the course of a month at any place I will me meet at least 75 new folks and most end up reading my blog for while. Sometimes I feel the diversity of folks is what I like best.

    2. I use to like meeting and talking to people on the road or when traveling.

  2. Being able to visit with other RVers is always a good way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
