
Interesting Storm Predictions






This is going to be interesting tonight. It is a jumble of several different things that messed with the day all day long.

The morning walk was nice and cool and cloudy like fog for the first half of the time. Then as we neared the finish line the sky cleared and pretty white clouds showed up to join the beautiful blue sky in making joy this morning.

We were making good time to fun when a man stopped at the campground from the Tennessee River Office of some sort. He let the campground and Park officers know that they think that the Tennessee River may get to flooding stage in the next few days and flood the campground causing the campground needing to evacuate soon. Panic and attempted planning got started in high speed.

So the OFM spent the rest of the day attempting to assist folks in their evacuation to a higher elevation parking lot in the water park nearby. Many folks got moved over there today. There is about 230 sites in the campground.

We prepped the Castle to be ready to roll with a half hour of notice. We got on the internet to see when all that water is due to arrive here so we could be ready and gone before that date. But we had a trouble in that other government agencies disagreed with the prediction by a bunch.

So for now we are just watching for what actually happens around us in the next couple of days.

I do have to complement the campground's manager for choosing the safest path of moving forward but not doing anything silly in a panic.

The path Helene takes tomorrow inland towards us will make a big difference. This evening the storm did turn away from us somewhat so that is a good sign.

Tomorrow will have some serious evaluating going on during the day.

Sleep well folks, we will.

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