
Flint Creek Photo Trail






The day was a nice day of cooler weather which we used in part to take a nice gentle walk along one of the trails with the objective of just looking for a few nature pictures to enjoy tonight. It turned out to be lots of fun and a bit interesting a couple of times when we got a bit close to the actions of some of the critters in the wilds.

Turtles are out in abundance with many of them to be large enough to see well amongst the natural items around them. This pair were on an old tree limb right at water level and were very comfortable with having an OFM get fairly close. However the shutter noise did cause them to vacate the limb with a vigorous splash.

We were walking along Flint Creek which is a very wide creek bordering the park we are staying in. While sitting at a resting bench at waters edge we noticed a boat ramp on the other shore, so we zoomed in a long distance shot so we could locate where the ramp is in the neighborhood across the creek.

When we got back to the Castle we looked on the map and found that the little camera shot the shot of a bit over 4000 feet distance, We were amazed at that long of a shot from a little Canon pocket camera.

We hope to go find the ramp in that neighborhood soon.

These are only four of the pictures of about 25 we shot while taking an easy going walk in the woods.

Our next shot is a grown tree leaf we found floating on the reflection of the incredibly blue sky we had for a nice while at the first of the walk. It took the OFM several tries to get the image he wanted since the nice gentle breeze kept moving things around but persistence paid off we feel.

And the last photo for tonight is a web that we had fits getting to hold still so it was not a blur from the gentle breeze. Several shots were taken. We are really glad it was not still in the film day$$$

of photography.

We took about eight exposures of this and a little breeze would hit at the wrong moment and once an extremely bright glare of light hit at the wrong moment. However we did pretty good before we quit. For those who want to try the spider web shots, this area normally has lots of webs close the the waters edge like this one.

We took about fifty shots all together to produce this four to show our readers. We hope you enjoyed the gentle fun we had on the walking trail along the water in the park.

Good night.


  1. I have a lot of spider webs in my garage and shed, maybe I'l start a photo collection of them.The boat ramp photos is pretty amazing with the camera you are using for that distance. Isn't digital photography the greatest invention ever? I cannot imagine how much it would cost now to develop a road of 35mm film.

  2. After doing my own Darkroom Development for many years, I agree that Digital is a huge improvement.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.

  3. For years, I had a little Panasonic SV-AS10 digital camera. Shirt pocket small and simple (wide field of view, flash, slide for macro lens, trigger). Within its capabilities, it took good pictures. Remember, the most important thing about a camera is having one along and that it can be used quickly.
