
Fun Day In Alabama






WOW what a nice day after yesterday. The day started as a so what but became a great day overall. We got busy early on a walk just to get limbered up. The OFM hips were screaming nasty things at our body wen we set out slowly. But after a half mile or so of careful and gentle walking things got loosened up and the hips did very well. That was a surprise change from what they started like.

At the start of the afternoon walk this branch was back lit by the fantastic sky we had and at first it looked like the leaves were on fire when we first saw it. But it was just the dramatic sunlight lighting up the fall colors already.

On down the trail we found another good scene to show the gorgeous evening sky while looking across Flint Creek.

After meeting a very nice fellow, James we think was his name, we talked fishing happily for about an hour it seemed. That was a wonderful visit for sure.

Back at the Castle the OFM went to work trying to plan a month long trip before we need to be back here the first two weeks of November. During that time we had a big attack of could not make up our mind. So we get to work on that again soon.

Then tonight it became stoup time again. So we got busy and cut up a bell pepper, onion and celery to go with a can of pinto beans and a container with already chopped pork chops and a Knorr bag of Mexican rice. It will likely be ready for supper tomorrow night. We bet the OFM will manage to force some of it down.

Then we got fancy and finished the evening off with a fresh brewed mug of sweet green tea to finish all the excitement we had today.

This is about all the excitement the OFM can handle in a day. We think the OFM is getting a bit too old to handle having too much fun anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how when we are busy, everything falls into place. If we are relaxed, we can't accomplish anything.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
