
Three Mile Day






An unexciting but productive day kept us gently busy all day. The walk was three miles on the paved road around the golf course.

Once again though the three miles gave the OFM leg joints some pain so we plan to cut back to a little under three miles so we will not have joint pains. We do get in a couple of other walks each day so we will still average over three miles a day.

Later we got in some shopping at Walmart and they happened some items last night that we had been waiting for. That was a nice surprise. Rain was intermittent for a lot of the day but we never got wet which was nice.

A lot of computer time was spent on considering where we want to go until after Christmas. We have been to a lot of locations in the 17 years of roaming. But now we have to take into consideration the limitations the OFM has on his body abilities a lot more carefully. We still like the western lonesome locations where medical care can easily be hours away.

And to close out the day the OFM did some caulking of small caulk cracks on the Castle. None had shown a leak yet on the inside of the Castle but the old frame of the Castle works the joints nowadays when it goes down the road so we try to catch the bad spots before more damage to the rig can happen.

And the final walk this evening was out by the soccer field to watch the kids having good fun.

We love to see kids playing and having good fun. And that is it for tonight after a good day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Just keeping oneself active helps the joints stay limber.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
