
Preparing For More Photography Opportunities






The day has been nice all day until right at dark when slow rain started. The odd part is the drops are huge but it is a slow gentle rain amount of huge rain drops from leftover hurricane clouds. We got in a couple of nice walks but stayed near the Castle to duck out of the rain if it caught us out on a walk. It worked out well as it turned out.

No pics jumped out at us and a couple we tried anyway came out pretty yuk. So we put that idea away.

Late this evening the OFM got out his hand weights to kill time while the rain was coming down gently. It has been many months since he did any upper body weight work and WOW was he out of shape. So we experimented with our hand weights and the OFM is so weak it was shameful. This proves walking does not help the above the belt body keep decent muscle tone. We sat in the dining room in the Castle sipping water thinking about this sudden revelation. So we got our upper body hand weights out to check out our shape. Our upper body shape is puddle. From waist down the body is nicely fit for an old man. So into the internet we went to find out what shape a 78 year old man should be above the waist. Yep it was bad body news. The OFM needs to do some tune up on his upper body.

Like a lot of things we have noticed, at 78 years old special care needs to be taken when using weights for exercise after about 75 yo. So we got out our hand weights and the internet suggestions. We intended to show them they are wrong. But we feel that the OFM proved them very correct. The part that caught our attention first is the need for more recuperation time between work out days starting about age 75. OK. Then we read precautions about too heavy a weights on old joints with not so great lubrication. A few other things were mentioned as well as recommended weight amounts to consider as you age. There was a good bit to consider as it worked out. Basically the OFM will be hitting up the hand weights store tomorrow with a list of things to check for during his decision making about what to bring home to help make him more capable of walking the trails out in nowhere land soon.

Maybe we will get lucky and be able to put the OFM into great photography safely really soon. Have a great night everyone.


  1. Ha. You can also use 1 or 2 pound sacks of beans. Cheaper, and you can eat them too.

  2. Or the empty water bottles filled with sand or rocks like I have now. Cost zero.

  3. you might look at resistance bands instead of weights. Different colors signify different resistance. Thanks for that warning about the 75 year note ... for some reason I have really felt it doing any kind of exercise from walking behind a mower to riding my bike 15 miles. I'm only 72.

  4. The less we exercise the more arthritis sets in the joints, then if you push too hard it could end up bone on bone, which leads to replacement parts.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your gradual exercises.

    It's about time.
