
Ugly Weather Coming






An ill OFM greeted the day with a moan. He is running a bit of a fever with aches and pains so he got on the internet to find that he has an influenza of one sort or another but probably not a Covid model. A little breakfast and back to bed to rest and hopefully get better. Lunch time came along and we went to Burger King for our usual. By the time we left BK the nose drainage was down to a gallon an hour and the achy body was doing almost moderately well. After some rest and research on the incoming tropical storms/ hurricane nasty weather the OFM decided he needed to move around some so we got ready and headed out for a short easy walk.

Along the way we stopped at the spot on Flint Creek where we could see the other side of the creek while looking in the direction the storms are coming from tomorrow.

It looks nice now and was very nice while we were there. Tomorrow the lead edge of the storms is supposed to start arriving and mess up the nice weather we have been having. A little over two days of nasty weather is what is expected. The heavy high winds are not expected to get this far inland but the heavy rain is supposed to get here. The worst high wind we have seen predicted for here is 45 mph. So it might turn out to be good weather for recuperation to be the goal.

Everyone be safe and try to have tooooo much fun, OK.

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