
Empty Cabinets






Another nice day of walking in reasonable conditions but just a tad warm. Yep the same starting text again today. We did get the cabinets above the bed cleaned out completely.

There was not a lot in them we found out but they are empty now. Tomorrow is a start in the kitchen and dining area. There are cabinets along the ceiling on both sides so we have more to contend with. However we think there will be more things to contend with in these since we have dinnerware and food storage in them as well as some I don't recalls. We will be finding out tomorrow is our plan.

Walking took a back seat today as we ended up with several brisk but short walks to the dumpsters and back. We still got in over three miles broken into pieces that fit our needs.

On one of the walks we talked for a half hour with a couple thinking of getting an RV so they can take long vacations comfortably. They seemed to really understand the points the OFM mentioned as being important in their choices. They took the blog address with them so they can ask questions. It seemed that they understand the basics well already. Here is hope that it works out well for them.

Now we need to get some rest tonight before we tackle the dining/kitchen areas tomorrow. Good night.

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