
Truck News






ROLLING DATE: None for now

Good evening after another goofy day. The weather was not hot or cool but just right for good walking. It was odd not having the truck here to use. The probability that the dealer would not finish up with it until Friday bugged the OFM all day. For no good reason but still bugged him. So we piddled the day on this or that. We did not feel like a long walk so we did several short walks here and there to places we normally skip.

The good part is we made a pot of pork chop stoup with pinto beans and a few other things and it was excellent tonight for supper. Three more meals are stored in the freezer.

Along about 1530 we got a call from the service writer at the dealer that the truck is ready to pickup tomorrow morning but he has to drive it in the morning before he can release it to the OFM. So somewhere in the middle of the morning The OFM should once again have transportation to get to stores and BK for my nooner chicken sandwich.

Then later in the afternoon we got a message that an old friend had passed away back in Houston Tx. That was a big downer. He was a very nice old fellow the OFM had met when he was hiking Big Bend NP with his wife. They were 82, we think, and that was about 11 years ago. They have been avid readers of this blog since we met back then. The OFM really enjoyed their friendship over these years.

Now that the truck will be ready to run the roads we will need to see about running some roads again. The grand kids have some things to perform in before Christmas that we want to attend. So it might be difficult getting any rolling in before mid December. We will tackle that scheduling problem starting tomorrow.

Everyone have a nice night and dream pleasing things. Good Night.


  1. That was definitely a switch from the service department.
    It is sad as we lose more and more of those we called Friends.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
