
Testing And Planning For Rolling






ROLLING DATE: Soon we hope.

We spent a good while today testing Sierra to feel comfortable it is really repaired well so we could feel confidant it really is ready for rolling across the country's roads pulling the Castle. We are happy to to report that Sierra passed it all with flying colors.

Then we spent a few hours on working out a working schedule for fall travels that includes a couple of trips back here for grand kids performances we want to attend. It looks like a pile of miles for this season so we will streamline it a bit if we can.

Somewhere in the day the OFM managed to get in a three mile walk and two shorter one mile walks for a nice total of five miles of walking for the day. It seems to have done some good and the hips are feeling much better today.

Then for some reason we had several nice long visits with other park occupants about traveling by
RV by our self. It turned out to be some good conversations with other non-traveling residents.

All in all it was another very busy day of getting things in order for rolling whenever it occurs.

Tomorrow is looking like it could be a very fruitful day for planning travels for the rest of 2024. It would be nice for something to work out well again.


  1. I was told once that I enjoy the planning of the trip more than after I got to my destination. She said that was the reason for me wanting to go to another place soon after my arrival. Your truck repair sounds great.

    1. That is what seems to be my situation these days. I was just sitting here trying to decide if I really want to go back to many of the locations I have been too before and where to go next. 18 years of full time RVing and being 78 seems to have made changes in me and my short term goals. This is an unexpected event.

    2. I don't know if it is age as I am only 72 but the desire to move, travel etc is not there. I remember what my dad told me years ago when I asked why he wasn't watching ballgames like he use to "for some reason as I get older my priorities change" ... now I understand what he was telling me. Just do what you want to do, no matter what the past was. That is my biggest obstacle.

  2. I think the pandemic has made a lot of unanticipated changes in us older folks. Up until 2020, we were traveling a lot, going overseas a lot, taking cruises, and the like. Then the roof fell in, and we became stay at homes. What we noticed is that a lot of things just weren't out there any more, and what was, had a lot of hassle to go along with it, so the urge to travel just dissipated. Now it seems that we are pretty much content to just sit around her in the middle of our 4 acres and just let the outside world go on. We do not like being in crowds much any more (never did, if the truth be told) and most of our friends have left CA for more welcoming places, so we have just more or less turned into hermits. Didn't plan it that way, but so far, that is how it worked out. Don't know if we will ever do much traveling any more, except a trip to our favorite resorts in Mexico. I guess we shall see.

    1. KDC, I agree. The urge to travel just isn't there. Luckily my small city has a literally everything I need therefore I don't do trips much anymore.

  3. I seem to be sharing KCD's thoughts today, but it could be to my current problem.
    Keeping active prevents Arthritis from ceasing the joints. Once it's bone on bone, you have a problem.
    Glad Sierra is up to traveling. Maybe to someplace new.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
