
Very Tight Travel Schedule





Another nice day of walking in reasonable conditions but just a tad warm. We ended up with four walks of which three were little one mile roaming's around the campground just saying howdy to folks. The fourth and longest was the real walk of three miles first this morning.

After the walk we decided to see if something was wrong with the bathroom basin.

That area is horribly cramped for an OLD Fat Man to wrinkle his body into and still be able to use tools on sewer pipes. But the OFM got in there enough to find that there is no trouble with the piping in the cramped cabinet. Of course the OFM did have to leave a small puddle of blood on the floor just so he would know he made an honest effort at the inspection. Now we can roll without worrying about the basin drain failing during the traveling.

Speaking of traveling, KCD asked about that subject this morning in a blog comment. We are hoping to get rolling pretty soon. We are currently waiting for our up to date new drivers license to arrive by way of slow as the dickens USPS MAIL. Then we should be ready to roll unless more garbage happens like the last 16 months has been.

We do have a sort of schedule planned and tonight it will be posted as hopeful.

Two days after the drivers license arrives we will roll out heading south on I-65 from Decatur Al down to I-20 in Birmingham. West on I-20 until we enter Texas at Waskom Tx. From there we plan a loop to happen inside Texas just for the fun of it. On Nov 1 we plan to be back in Decatur for attendance to grand kid performances in their outside of school activities. Then we plan to leave on Nov 21 to head back to Texas and New Mexico for winter and spring roaming until late May when we return to Decatur Al. Again.

Please understand that we normally do not like to make such detailed and restrictive plans, But the LONG break from travel due to the break downs of Sierra, the Castle and the OFM for repairs has us a tad nervous about us and the equipment.

That is about it for tonight, We want some extra rest so we can get back in shape for having tooooo much fun. Good Night. 


  1. From what I recall, you made certain that all problems had been resolved so you would definitely be having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. I do work diligently on keeping preventable trouble away from on the road time.

  3. Sounds like a good plan. I look forward to reading about the locations you visit/camp at.

  4. Good thing you are getting a Texas license in the mail. If you were registered in CA, you would have to go into the wonderful DMV and take a written test and then a driving test. Anyone who thinks big government is a good deal, they should have to spend a week in a CA DMV office, would change their mind in a hurry.
