
Camping And Visiting Plan Discussions






We were barely visited by hurricane Francine today. She flicked her eastern edge on us a few times with little sprinkles events to keep us awake. Then after she had moved on past she sent some 35 mph plus or minus wind gusts to keep us awake for about an hour. It was sort of fun watching the tall trees trying to get blown down. None did here in the campground. A couple of small branches did come down but no known damage happened. And then it was all over.

So the OFM filled the day with with house cleaning and taking short walks several times. These two pictures were taken on one of the short walks. They were short walks so we would not get caught far from home if the storm got ornery. Here was the only two shore birds seen today.

We filled the afternoon doing inventory on the OFM closet and what clothing he has still in stock after a year. Walmart is doing clearance sales on clothing this week so the OFM wants to get some if it is needed. After all the counting and thinking was done we found we had about one each more of shirt, long leg pants and shorts, underwear etc than we feel we need to carry around with us. So we are in good shape for clothing for the next year. That was nice to find out. The cold wear outer clothing like sweaters etc. was resupplied last year at the end of winter. So now it looks like we are all set for the next few months in the clothing department of the OFM Teams.

We have been having discussions with a few folks about where they plan to go next. It seems as if there is a lot of folks here this year that are planning to stop traveling nationwide and call themselves finished. The cost of campgrounds, fuel and most things has gone up enough they plan to stay within a one/two day radius of this area for the foreseeable future. The general idea that gets repeated is they will travel to go to some relatives area within a chosen radius and spend time just visiting grand kids and relatives. That is not a bad idea in the OFM opinion. More fun time and less driving. And the OFM will totally agree that the summer crowd of campers has grown noticeably in the last couple of years.

Well that is it for tonight. Good Night.


  1. Glad that Francine did not cause you any problems.
    I had made a Spreadsheet to prove, it was more cost effective being a Fulltimer than renting an Apartment. The only advantage a Sticks and Bricks has is when you are recovering from health issues. The fuel costs will always vary whether you're traveling or not.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I also did a spreadsheet when I was considering traveling full-time in 2014-2015. I had the same results as you did. After a few test runs in tent camping I decided it was better for sticks and bricks for my dogs than it was for them to travel. Hounds don't stay around the campsite much when they lock into a scent. Ha Ha

  2. Our site rent here includes water, sewer and electric. This campground even lets folks use it as a home address for legal needs like driver license. Rent is $580 a month.

    1. That is a good deal at that price, that includes electric. If your storms were not as intense I hope that means my forecast last night is less intense today. It's early here but so far it looks like it might be less than expected. What do you think is the reason for the increase in campers the past couple of years? I can understand the high costs being a factor.

    2. My guess the reason is the BABY BOOM decided to go RVing. Not any more tenters it seems but hordes of rving folks.

    3. Too many YouTube rv videos probably helped spread the word. VBloggers.
