
Fallen Leaf Joined Us Today






It has rained all day to one intensity or another. A couple of breaks in the rain were used to repair new small leaks in the Castle where the previous caulk had cracked a small amount and the rain found those cracks. The good part is we needed the rain for the vegetation dying from the drought. Despite the abundant rain the ditches have not had much moisture get into them. The rain hit the dirt and soaked right in. So overall it has been a good event but let us back off a bit now OK?

The OFM even broke down and got out the vacuum cleaner and went all over the inside of the Castle. Since the Castle is only 147 square feet of space total inside it takes a lot more working with the equipment to get into the nooks and crannies chasing the dust that hides from us. Remember in most RVs you end up vacuuming the floors, walls and ceiling to clean those surfaces.

The OFM made a new coloring over the last few days. It was a new fallen leaf on the grey gravel trail a few days ago. Now we get to enjoy it on the blog.

It was a simple fun coloring to do and relax about how well it comes out. The size is about 3 inch by 5 inch. Naturally it is named Fallen Leaf and was nice fun to create.

That is about all there was for today so the long half hour after lunch nap was a luxury we could get used to. Good Night.

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