
Honk Honk Honk






We had a special event to go to today so the OFM got an early start on a walk and caught these HONKERS heading out for the next leg of their migration effort.

After the walk, the OFM got all cleaned up and pretty for early lunch with his grand daughter Piper at the schools lunch event. The long drive over there went well and the school had it organized well this year. The OFM waited in the dining room until Piper had her food and we looked for a seat. There was none. So Piper became the fantastic host and arranged for us to go to the outdoor patio to enjoy lunch. She led the way and it was a great place to have a nice visit and her enjoy her lunch. About halfway through the we had the pleasure of her grandmother joining us after she got through the traffic and arrived. We made a wonderful three sum for the rest of the lunch time. Then Piper had to return to class. Grandma and the OFM meandered out to her car in the crowded parking lot. While waiting for the crowds to get smaller we got to visit about how things were going for her and her husband Dan. It seems Dan had given himself a hernia and was awaiting surgery and had to stay home. We hope he has a very successful surgery. They are nice folks. So the morning was a great success for the OFM.

Nothing else exciting happened the rest of the day and the OFM even got in a nice relaxing short nap. The near future of our rolling became clearer and we are very excited to see the future more clearly now and we hope to have plans firmed up by Friday.

Everyone have a nice evening. Good Night.

1 comment:

  1. Are you certain those Geese were not Honking for you to get the wheels rolling?
    Nice that you were able to visit with Piper and her grandmother.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
