
Cabinets Finished Rearranging






Another nice day of walking in reasonable conditions. We made a nice walk along the creek and found this nice picture of a vine boosting a flower up a fallen tree to show it Flint Creek. We think it is a nice picture.

Then we went to work on the rest of the cabinets in the Castle. As it turned out the rest of the upper cabinets came out well with a little reorganizing of their stuff and now we are confident that we have things at a near optimum arrangement. Apparently we had done some of this effort a couple of months ago since the OFM found a few cases where the current arrangement was already like we planned to change it to. Yep the OFM is a genuis rite. So this concludes what we thought would be a week of hard decisions. And we are that much closer to a rolling date.

That is about all for today. The OFM is not feeling well with regular flu symptoms but yet very mild symptoms. We plan to take it easy and careful for a bit to see what we are fighting.

And speaking of fighting there are a couple of storms threatening this area with heavy rains and high winds. So far they look to be below hurricane status by the time they get to our area late this week.

Have a nice day tomorrow and keep on trying to have tooooo much fun.

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