
Hair Wad






Due to odd rain events all through the day we had to adapt to the walking opportunities as they presented themselves. The best we can tell we got in nearly three miles in five parts of walking between random rain squalls.

Then to add to the fun the Castle decided it was time to have a gray water line from the lavatory and bath tub to clog up totally on it's way to the gray water tank. This took about three hour to finally get to working again. We guess we have been lucky that is the only clog in seventeen years. We did have to make a trip to Walmart during that mess but it all worked out finally. The stoppage was a wad of hair at a tee junction where the tub drain joined the main drain line. This old bald guy (OFM) is wondering where all that hair came from since he is the only person bathing in that tub in the last 18 years.

Anyway things are working again. We are hoping that a clogged sewer is again at least 18 years away.

Then we got going on a coloring that has been waiting some attention again for several months.

We worked a good bit on the coloring between walks this afternoon. It is proving to be a major challenge.

There is a corner of it that is being worked on now.

Hopefully the OFM will learn how to paint cliffs from this effort.

Tomorrow starts what is supposed to be a nice week of sunshine for our enjoyment. We would grin real big at that. W plan on packing that week very full of having tooooooooo much fun. Good Night.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how we can lose more hair than on our heads.
    The Painting is slowly coming along.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
