
New Plans Developing






ROLLING DATE: None for now

Good evening after a goofy day. When we got the truck into the shop we tried to confirm with the service writer that the truck would be ready tomorrow as we had discussed. Basically he said it would be more like Friday. Well that is a new turn of events but as bad as the truck was running we just accepted it and moved on. So now we get to rethink what to do.

But then back at the Castle we got information that we maybe want to stay around a bit longer than that if another event works out. Since we had no concrete plans we decided to stick around here a bit longer and see what happens. Especially since it is still HOT where we were going to go. So as of right now we do not know what will be happening for the next couple of weeks.

We set to work to make some containers of stoup and freeze them for later enjoyment. We like to slice pork chops into cubes to cook along with other ingredients. So we start with cubed meat about half inch cube.

Then add Knorr packaged food and cook for a bit.

Then we add other ingredients per out choice and continue the cooking.

Then add carrots or other ingredients to fill a two liter pot. From there spices of choice are added to taste and the whole pot of food simmered until ready to eat. We normally end up with four to six servings of food of excellent quality. Not too bad for an Old Fat Man. The servings not eaten the first night go into the freezer for later enjoyment.

And that pretty well covers a day of changes for the OFM Teams. Good night.


  1. Glad you have something to keep you busy. It sounds like the mechanic is trying to get higher paying jobs done while you sit on a shelf. This is not the first delay you've been dealt there. I'd be looking into another repair shop.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Changing out a tranny is a pretty straight forward job that a good shop should be able to do in a day. If it takes longer than that, they are probably working on it when they have time from other "emergency" (read more profitable) jobs. When you work on things on and off, usually something gets forgotten. You want to put a few miles on it before you take off for parts unknown.
