
Canned Beef Report


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 1, 2023

No walk today in the drizzle and cold with a nice chilling breeze. But we had an eventful day anyway. We were taking care of paying the credit card monthly bill when the call came in. The optometrist's office had not yet received the copy of the surgeons notes from my eye surgeries. Therefore the appointment has been canceled. When will they be ready to do business again, who knows. In the mean time the OFM can just start a new get ready to travel attempt and see how it goes this time.

At least this time we have some good information about grand kids schedules etc to be able to attempt a decent leaving date. The current knowledge sets a leaving date of not sooner than January 2, 2024.

Later on today the OFM got to wondering when the days would start to get longer. It turns out that in this country that date is December 21/22 depending on just how far north or south you are. We are right at the mid point country location wise. But that is close enough for us.

And the third neat thing today was we got to try out the canned cow from Walmart. We opened the can and it smelled just fine but salty like the can said it would be. The OFM has for years been washing out the sodium filled liquids from canned products. It usually takes about four good rinses to get canned beans cleaned up. After the rinsing the meat looked and smelled just fine. A small piece was tasted and it tasted like ordinary otc cow from Walmart that was already cooked. So beef stoup was chosen after we surveyed our other potential components.

The main ingredients turned out to be a bag of Knorr teriyaki mix, pre-shredded carrots, canned baked beans and the canned cow. Then about three quarters of the way through we did a taste test and added a bit of BBQ sauce to enhance the flavor. Three meal size containers went into the freezer and one to the table. We were surprised at how good the assembly of those foods worked out to be. We will be keeping a couple of cans of that meat in the cabinet in the future. It was downright good stoup.

A little coloring was done after the yuk phone call about the doc appointment just to give the OFM time to calm down a bit and at least attempt to consider things rationally. But tonight is targeted for a comfortable gentle nights sleep.
But tomorrow is planned to be whatever it turns out to be. MERRY CHRISTMAS.


  1. Thanks for the review on canned beef as I've never tried it.....sounds OK...

  2. Maybe take some shorter trips near by, say within 150 miles or so. An easy days tow without any night driving. There are some nice Corps of Engineers campgrounds near you. It would be a nice change of pace and a lot less stressful than a long haul to west Texas. Just a thought.
