
Healing We Hope


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 17, 2023

A cool and dreary day has followed us around the area during our adventures.

This is the short term camping area at the front of the camping area.

Then when we went to the back of the main campground here was the view of the frequently really bright soccer field.

We are hoping for some much nicer days in the near future from what the forecasts are saying even if they are cooler.

The bare cupboards in the Castle sent us to the grocery stores for resupply for most of the morning. But now we have food for us to stay for a week or so.

Our research on the style of wounds the OFM has lead us to several medical sites that told us to start warm soaking the bruised areas after the third day of the injury. The OFM injury areas really responded to the soaking this afternoon. The info said to expect at least three weeks of healing time to be needed. So our stay extension seems just right. We will see.

In the meantime we will continue to waste colored pencil lead on colorings like this next one.

Now we are going to work real hard on healing while learning what we need to learn to quit needing healing,