
Success Maybe With Sierra


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 12, 2023

The alarm roared at 0600 just like it was supposed to and the OFM hit the floor getting ready. We needed to be at the auto shop for the next truck repair attempt on the thermo sensor in the engine. Then the next thing was when we went to the fridge for the milk for the OFM's cereal and we remembered we forgot to get some yesterday. So naturally the OFM put water on his cereal and enjoyed it in true combat infantry style that he learned in Nam long ago. Food. EAT. Situation under control.

Anyway we made the shop with time to spare and since we were a work in we ended up waiting for the specialist man to finish his work from yesterday before he went to work on our mess. The short discussion with him made the OFM feel a lot better at the chance for success.

After about twenty minutes of trying things to locate the trouble he reported success as the electrical plug on the vehicle wiring as being faulty and needing replacing. He even was polite enough to tell us the details of his diagnosis. He was very convincing and believable. So about an hour later we had a new plug on the wiring and a running nicely truck again.

We are optimistic that the real trouble is now corrected and Sierra is ready to go rolling.

The weather has been too drizzly to do a decent walk lately-- four days we think-- but this afternoon we walked a bag of trash over to the dumpsters and then continued our walk on down the path until the OFM decided to turn back. Then we meandered through the campground a bit and said a few HOWDIES to folks as we headed back to the Castle. On return we plotted our walk at 1.25 miles of cool bright sunshine to enjoy. It was nice.

Tomorrow is a finish choosing gifts day we hope and get them all bought or ordered.

With a little luck for a change we might sort out our mess of life and get some decent planning about rolling done again again.

In the mean time MERRY CHRISTMAS.