
Bird Brains?


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 13, 2023

The OFM was sitting close to the window next to the do everything table doing computer stuff when a crash bang thud kind of sound happened right next to him. The OFM liked to have left his skin. He glanced to his side quickly and saw a gray bird flying away in a wobbly fashion. Then he noticed the wad of feathers about an inch and a half in diameter stuck on the window.

Apparently the bird slammed into the window for some reason and then found something better to do. We are guessing the feather cluster came from the head and shoulders area of its body.

Sierra ran just fine today during a few errands that were required so we hope it is now repaired again. Again some possible delays may happen so we have softened our goal of leaving to early January. We wonder if we will ever get back in charge of our lives again.

We were able to get a lot done in the Christmas gift planning and shopping by internet done today. That is always a chore. But we consider it a very worthwhile chore and look forward to it each year . It was a continuous busy day today and we feel like we have forgotten something but moving on.

The campground residents have started the Xmas decorating and here is a couple of the beginnings near us.

Before long we expect to have a lot more decorations around the campground as the grand parents get more ready for the grandkids to come by for fun and frolicking.

We got in 2 shorter walks but totaled about 3 miles total for the day. That really feels good to get some time exercising for a change.

At one location there is a little hill to our pathway right that is thick with shrubbery and weeds up to about six feet most of the year. We do not even consider trying to walk through the under growth. But last week it all finally cleared out and this is what it looked like this afternoon.

One heck of a difference a few weeks makes in the fall.

Ok that is about enough, we need to tend to the chores so we can sleep well tonight.


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