
Splat Explained But Not Justified


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 15, 2023

As you know the lunkhead sometimes known as the OFM took a great fall yesterday and damaged himself. Well he is healing slowly so we went to the site of the slight error of his ways to see what we could see. The answer was quickly noticed as you can see in the photo. That root that is now uncovered used to be covered with leaves. It is likely that the OFM wandered into the pile of leaves and trapped his foot under the root while looking at the scenery.

KERSPLAT happened and now the OFM is among the stumbling wounded.

The best we can guess is that this is the scene he was looking at yesterday when the drama started.

Today the damage is retreating some but still very in the way for body use without special silly movements as our lunch buddy called them. But at least we seem to be starting to heal.

To our surprise we were able to make a nice walk this morning of about 2 miles. Along the way we saw this young man fishing in Flint Creek. He did not catch anything to keep but had fun in the sun.

The soccer field was looking good in the sun.

Our left hand is not working just right from the fall injury and typing is a chore. Everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.


  1. OK then. No bad results so far....just ANNOYING. Good for you going on your walk!!! If you're thrown, get back on if you can......

    1. All my damage is upper body and mainly hands, shoulders and body bruises.
