
Very Busy Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 24, 2023

An incredibly busy day today kept us running all day. The morning walk was beautiful and cool with bright blue skies. We took a few pictures but the ones from last night were better due to the lighting last evening.

Here is a late evening hunt by an egret with wonderful sky lighting.

We thought it was really spectacular. And just around the bend the OFM caught this reflection of the moon in the shallow water of Flint Creek.

Back to today. We needed a couple of things from the big Walmart so we headed there about 0900 and got in and out in good time without much crowding inside. Back home we went to work on cooking pork chop stoup so we would have ready to eat meals in the freezer. 12 meals are now frozen and ready to eat with a bit of microwave help.

Here is the stoup just before putting it in the freezer.

And to top it all off the OFM got in a thirty minute nap to give him a big smile for the afternoon.



  1. Food looks good and nutritious, but the main thing: Merry Christmas!

    1. The food is good especially with a bit of BBQ sauce drizzled on it. Merry Christmas.
