
The Big Splat


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 14, 2023

The big chore this morning for the OFM was to go into Huntsville to get some Christmas presents for some grand kids of his. He had been dreading going into town. It turned out to be a nice experience and was enjoyed.

After a few minutes rest on arrival home he decided to get in a nice photo taking walk along the river on the hike and bike trail.

As we were leaving the campground we noticed lots of Christmas decorations had been added.

Even a roof top Santa was here.

On the way to the trail we spotted these nice fresh roses in the bright sun.

The we started down the trail looking for pictures that we needed to take for our readers to enjoy. About fifteen minutes into the walk the OFM was slowly walking along when he could feel himself falling so he started his normal roll to the ground but his left foot stayed stuck in place and prevented a good roll out. The result was a nasty SPLAT fall.

And the results are not nice. No broken bones or bleeding to the outside of the body but lots of hyper-extensions of joints. Both hands got twisted hyper extensions as well as both shoulders. At least his lower body escaped serious injury. Here is a picture of his left hand little finger in the current resting location instead of next to the rest of the fingers.

So now we will get a nice rest and rehab of joints and body parts again. The OFM has lots of personal experience at this sort of medical treatment. We think this was caused by setting a rolling date to try for. But now we have a great reason for kicking back and just enjoying the MERRY CHRISTMAS season.


  1. Ah geez. People always ask, what made you fall? Well.........usually I can pinpoint something, but it doesn't matter. The main reason is I'm old. I hate that part. I am glad you didn't break anything.

    1. Thank you. I do plan to go back to that spot to identify the trouble maker if I can. I have been walking there for over ten years without tripping on anything.

  2. I hope you are recovering from this fall. Christmas is a hard time to hurt...cause you got things to do.

    1. Hi Julie and Merry Christmas. I am healing but OLD men are slow healers.
