
New Thoughts And Hopes


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: December 16, 2023

Morning 0830

Taking a look at the OFM situation in light of the recent fall and the body damage recovery rate, we renewed our rent for another month last night. Although we can function in a decent fashion while parked here, the OFM team took a vote late last night and voted 100% in favor of more recovery time for the right shoulder damage and left hand damage before putting us on the road again. So we have rent paid until 01-15-2023 now.


Most of the day was spent just letting the injuries work on healing. What we found from research is the right hand is a two week healing on old men over 65. But the symptoms for the left hand indicate more like four weeks of healing time. So extending for a month may have been a good thing. It definitely will be better when the Castle is coming along behind us. Driving for now is a chore even without a trailer in tow.

On the other hand the extra time will give the OFM some good time to consider different changes we have been wanting to consider in our lifestyle for our future joy. When we get something that makes sense we will let the whole world know what has been chosen. Quitting rolling is not one of the options under consideration.

In the meantime work really hard at having a MERRY CHRISTMAS.


  1. OFM, you are going back in time to 1/15/2023!

    1. wow you are right it seems like. I guess it happens when you have been rolling around for 16 years.
