
Less Than Two Weeks


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 11-25-2022

When the OFM checked the camera for pictures this evening the camera had failed to get out and take some pictures. So all you get tonight is typed words.

Our first out of the Castle effort today was to buy a couple of things at the grocery store and take back some cheater glasses we bought yesterday. They just did not do the job we needed to be done.

Then we went to get a package of salad mix and a fresh bell pepper. They had some other nice looking fresh vegetable and some fresh pork chops of a small size. Before we knew it we checked out to the tune of $37. Good grief.

But there was plenty of room in the freezer and refrigerator so we must have needed them. In fact some of it was a nice supper tonight.

The OFM body was not doing badly today but it was not up to serious physical activity. Twice we started out on a walk in the nice weather and twice after about a half mile the OFM body turned back to the Castle. Sure enough after a late evening nap the body was ready to run around. We have no idea why but at least we did not push the ancient old body at the wrong time today.

We had been coloring a page from a cheap coloring book and trying new to us techniques we were reading about. The book is so badly drawn that when the OFM decided he was finished trying out the new techniques this afternoon he decided to just tear the book up and throw it away. Some of the techniques took a good bit of practice to learn them but the badly drawn book was not good enough to even give it to the grandkids to scribble in. So it is in its new home a garbage dumpster.

All the OFM Team members are getting excited that the probable last doctor visit is coming up fast ( Dec 6). We will be very excited when we can order new glasses that will allow us to tow safely. Then we can go nuts trying to have tooooo much fun again.


  1. Being forced to wait around is the pits, but not much you can do about it. Hopefully your payment for the wait ----having better eyesight and being able to hit the road----will make the wait worthwhile.

  2. At least I know by my right eye daily changes that it is making progress.

  3. Hi Barney. Happy belated Thanksgiving. We are still living the same life. Had to quit posting but still try to keep up with folks who read and left comments in the past. Take care.
