
Here It Comes


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 11-2-2022

The OFM got a gentle start today and was able to get a schedule going for the eye drops. Then we took to the trails for some slower walking but with longer steps to get some stretching in to attempt to help limber him up a bit. The trail start was very pretty and helps the OFM want to get going.

We made our 2.5 miles just fine and the stretching gait seemed to get more comfortable with each passing minute. But the colorful leaves seems to be over with as the leaves are falling down on their job.

Near the turning point there was one large bush with lots of bright reddish leaves. The actual scene nearly glowed with the color left in that bush. It was really pretty.

Later in the day we grabbed this picture while just messing around waiting for tomorrow.

Spent some time visiting with new to us folks coming into the park, That definitely put some rolling itch into the tires.

We think that tomorrow after the surgery may not end up being a blogging day so if we do not publish don't worry it is just the OFM sleeping off the dope from the surgery. Hmmmm. Sleeping long and hard sounds like a nice way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Your faithful readers will be waiting patiently so blog when you want to.

  2. I will be thinking about you tomorrow; hoping all goes smoothly and your results are amazing!

  3. I hope your cataract surgery goes as well as mine did. It ended up with no problems and it was amazing how much better I could see the next morning. Will be thinking of you, eyesight is so important to us.
