
Leaf Kicking Fun


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 11-14-2022

WOW it was aa gorgeous day this morning as we went out for a short walk. It was so pretty and cool that the walk turned into the standard 2.5 miles wander around. The temp was a bit cool so the speed of the walk was brisk. The sunshine was blinding at times. As we got to the gravel path we found places to take a picture of the day.

There were very few folks on the path today when we got going about 1045. But they were a cheerful few and greetings were loud and boisterous. It was great.

As we watched for photo opportunities this one of the point where we found the coconut a couple of days earlier was ready for a nice photo.

We stopped at a place where we took a picture about two weeks ago of all the vibrant foliage showing off for the world to see. Well that foliage is all laying on the ground leaving the trees naked for the cold winds of winter. Check it out.

Then as we headed back to the Castle we went by this area of trees and had our first ever experience of kicking oak tree leaves in crisp cold weather.

It was so much different than normal leaf kicking we took our time getting on toward the Castle. The leaves had their own musical sound that was wonderful to play in. The OFM got in a few extra kicks along this Path of Joy today.

It was a wonderful morning for a great walk and trying to have tooooo much fun in the leaves.

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