
Cold Weather Got Here


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 11-13-2022

A much calmer day today thank goodness. But the cold was bad to us also this morning and actually lo 40s all day. That is cold to this southern coastal fellow.

So we celebrated by sticking inside the Castle for most of the day. Naturally a cold wet day meant hot tea to warm the OFM innards and mixed nuts to keep him nourished.

Then the colored pencil work to keep him awake. The Castle is handling the high twenties temp during the night just fine. The 1000 watt electric heater is cycling and the OFM finger joints are nice and comfortable.

The OFM finally figured out how to remember which pencil he was using when he takes a break from coloring. It goes back in the box upside down to the rest of them.

Since our area is small when we are not using a pencil it goes back in the pencils box to give us a little extra room for tea mugs etc.

We finished a small picture today of a seed package. It is about 3x5 in size. This one is not shown in a frame because it will be stored flat in a drawer for a bit.

That is all the excitement and the cold weather continues. Thursday is the next eye chop job and hopefully the last one. Then we have at least four weeks of healing to wait on before the next decision can be safely made.

In the meantime we will be careful so we don't have another three months of travel time wasted again. We still have a lot of trying to have tooooo much fun to do.


  1. Whoa. I don't think of the area where you are as much colder than central TX. But I guess it is. We got close to 60. I do like the seed packet. Nice. Have been trying to frame little paintings today for the art assoc miniature sale. A fund raiser. I hate framing. Especially when trying to save $, which I always am.

  2. We are about 300 miles north of you. About the same latitude as Tulia.

  3. I keep forgetting about elevation and latitude. Duh.
