
New Nature Colors


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 11-27-2022

The wind was 20mph gusting to 40mph until late afternoon when it died down to the point we went out for a walk and pictures. When bad things happen the OFM tries to look for some good in the event. The Chair trying to knock his eye out was a bad thing and we had not found any special good thing to compensate for that event until today.

We normally would be gone soon after Labor Day in September but we had to wait for medical items to be finished.

So this year means we got to see the changing of the season for all the forest around here. Today a third spectacular color change was underway. The OFM was excited by the first one about a month ago. Then when another bunch of vegetation put on a show about two weeks ago that was really neat. Then today we finally got out again after sticking close to the Castle for a few days and WOW another show of color had come in for a visit. We have never before been in a place to have so many color changes before. This morning was a big surprise because it seemed to happen over night. Here is a picture of the road, Point Mallard Drive this afternoon. It did not have any of that color two days ago as best as the OFM can recall.

We got that picture during our short late afternoon walk. And to our delight a couple of hundred feet along the path back in a nook in the forest was this beautiful red arch to give the OFM a thrill.

Since things were going good we went through the campground and out the back to the path around the soccer field. The field was in heavy use this evening and was fun to watch the activities for a bit. As we stepped away from the fence the trees around the area were noticed and they were showing off too.

We really enjoyed the scenery in the park this evening. Maybe there will be even more to see back along the more remote trail sections tomorrow. Maybe we will have even more opportunities for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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