
Busy Day Again


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 11-7-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

We got in a nice but gentle mile and a half walk today. The OFM joints were definitely not into higher speed movement this morning. But we had no trouble keeping moving all day as long as we did it gently. We looped the Memorial Park outer loop and when we were next to the big pond, our old friendly gar came moseying by to wave a fin at us. It even seemed to know where and how to pose for the picture.

The day was bright sun and properly cool without need of a windbreaker. A few pictures around the park were taken with hopes some of them would make nice header photographs.

The Chicken stoup was supper tonight and we got a nice surprise. The shredded cabbage cole slaw mix turned out to be a wonderfully good addition to the stoup. We will be trying that again in the future.

We had the pleasure of meeting several new folks from other places than Rockport. The OFM Teams always enjoy meeting new folks. You never know where they might be from and what new things a person might learn.

Then when we unloaded the camera card we were reminded of several photos we took of items to help us start another painting. There are several now in the making. And we got in yesterday, the two new sets of watercolor pencils to use alongside the regular colored pencils for future art efforts.

Speaking of art efforts, we ran across a painting dated 2021 but it must have been dated on about January 1, 2021.

We remember this painting being one where we were trying to learn more about shading and blending and it was not going well and the OFM backed off to get some more education. Which he did but apparently never went back to try some new styles. So here we have a quit on it colored pencil coloring book painting to see how things do not always go very well in these studies. But you can be certain We worked hard at trying to have tooooo much while doing this painting.


  1. So I looked up whether gar were good to eat, and they are. But labor intensive. I guess that's why they're not sought after. That, and their appearance. Oof.
    Only thing I'm not enthusiastic about in your rejected painting is the background, and not because of the blending. Just color choice. You usually are spot on with those!!
