
Another Good Sized Trout


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 11-19-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

Getting going this morning was an effort. So we spent a little time working on the new painting and then headed to the beach park for a walk. It was only a determined effort that got us through the walk because the OFM body was aching all over worse than any one spot. By the time the slow pace got us around the loops, the OFM was ready for a gentle walk out on the pier.

It turned out to be a great decision to head out on the pier. On the way out to the end of the pier the OFM was casting a silver spoon randomly when a 19” speckled trout grabbed it. A nice fight ensued and the trout finally posed for a picture.

After the trout was returned to the water we fished for a few minutes more. Then some really nice folks from San Antonio came walking up and we had a wonderful time talking until we got back to the parking lot. Then we said our goodbyes and headed out separate ways. It was certainly a fun visit.

The afternoon was a bit slow as the OFM body was still healing it seemed. So it was work on the painting time which is always fun.

The OFM was thinking about what for supper when he thought of the chicken broth and rice from the day before. Hmmm. And the stoup idea sounded really good.

The 2 liter pot received the broth, then the rice from the freezer, then the thinly cross cut celery stalk, then a can of drained Pinto Beans and a cube of Wylers chicken flavoring. A couple of the chunks of chicken from a night or so ago were cut into small pieces. Of course some freshly ground black pepper came along for the fun. All was brought to just a boil and then simmered for a short few minutes. Everything had already been cooked so it was a matter of getting a good blend of the ingredients.

This really hit the spot of supper tonight. On top of that there were three more meals of food left when the OFM finished tonight. We are looking forward to another bowl of this good stuff.

It was a good day of having fun and the OFM seems to be recovered, so tomorrow ought to be a wild day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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