Beach Park Fun
Bird Nesting Area
Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 10-30-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.
Once again too much stuff going on, so we chose the bird nesting area the OFM circled on his one mile walk this morning for tonight’s blog.
The bird nesting area is closed to folks each year while a few hundred birds make nests and raise their children to adult hood. We have seen it in action several times and it can be quite interesting. But today there are no birds there and the powers that be are working on getting it ready for the feathered visitors.
Hurricane Harvey destroyed the last viewing platform. Now a new nicer one is in progress. It over looks the main area and can hold about 8 camera tripods at one time we guess.
The fencing provided to protect the area is a wire rope nailed to 8“ posts about 2 feet high. To the best of our memory it was put in about 8-10 years ago. In this next picture you can see the temporary repair they had to make at one spot where the wire rope has already rusted through. Salt water corrosion is a mean enemy.
At another location in the area, some blue crabs had been turned into a meal for some of the birds it looked like. This claw was about 6“ long and the body was nearby. Lots of signs of birds having a feast was all around the spot. The claw is from a female blue crab. How does the OFM know it was a female crab? Well he has been around the salt water events since 1946. His mother taught him that the female blue crabs have red claw tips like they are wearing red fingernail polish. His observations since then have found that to be true.
And at another waterfront spot was this unusual scene. A dragon fly was floating on the light green water of the bay. After watching it for a few minutes we decided it was dead. It still makes an interesting picture we think.
And there you have another way we enjoyed trying to have tooooo much fun.
Beautiful Sunny Day
Fish Caught
Beach Walking
High Tides
What Is It?
Fun Folks
Great Sierra News
Journey Completed (Updated)
Third Leg Complete
A Different Whataburger Interior Decor
Repeat Picture
New Plans Needed
IT Arrived
Bird and Snake
Walked Too Far
Arrested By The Police
Storm Damage
Adventure Location: Decatur, Al
Adventure Date: 10-12-2020
Click the Pic to enlarge
Internet trouble most of the day 1-13-2020.
Since Tropical Storm Delta had cleared the area and clouds were moving out fast the morning sun was warm and bright even in the cave made by the trees along the river path.
The walk turned out to be a bit over three miles and generally pleasant. Soon after we started, the minor but important type of damage we spotted along the path made us aware the Castle had been lucky. Quite a bit of downed dead limbs had showed up along the path. We are sure there are a lot more back in the woods too.
The first ones we saw were these about 5-7 feet long and bigger in diameter than an OFM foot. We bet they would have cause roofing material damage as a minimum if they hit the Castle’s roof.
A little way on down the path was this old trunk we have been watching to see when it would fall. Well it was recently along with a good sized limb. We think this trunk could have cracked the siding on the Castle. That would be horrible.
There was a steady stream of limbs down along the pathway. This next one was a limb that hit end down and rammed its way over a foot into the ground and was standing. The logs on the ground came down a couple of weeks ago in a thunder storm. The OFM was not able to pull it out but it was slightly loose in the dirt. We are afraid that one might have penetrated an RV roof if it hit the roof like it hit the ground.
We were meandering along at at least fifty inches and hour when the OFM spotted this funny item on a tree trunk. We got close for a photo. It turned out to be a spider web with an entry hole in the middle. The foolish OFM put a finger on it to make sure it was a spider web. It was. Then he recalled that his finger is NOT spider bite proof.
There was a nice parade of folks on the trails this morning so we got to give out a lot of TEXAS sized HOWDYS to them. That was nice and a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.
Good Morning Rain
Adventure Date: 10-11-2020
Click the Pic to enlarge
The morning dawned looking like this and stayed that way until mid afternoon.
We piddled our little hearts out hoping for some sunshine as soon as the TS Delta got on past us. It finally did in mid afternoon and the OFM Walking Team scrambled to get the walking shoes installed on the OFM so he would not have any excuse to get his ancient old body moving. We keep reminding him he has to take care of himself if he is going to see grand daughter Piper graduate from high school.
So we got him out the door and agreed to stay on the pavement and not walk the gravel and dirt trails. We hit the road to the big park area near the soccer fields. Tons of folks were out at the fields kicking the balls and each other around and having a great time.
The Team went on around the soccer field and down by a couple of open air meeting places with roofs on them. Then we looped around the indoor ice skating rink near the big oak trees. That is where it happened. A 47 pound acorn came screaming out of a tree giving a loud BANZAI yell and aiming for the OFM’s delicate bald head. The OFM managed to dodge the acorn by a fraction of a millimeter as it whistled by faster than a speeding locomotive. It was a large 3/4“ diameter hard acorn. We could see the size but the way it careened off the paving we knew it had to be made of stainless steel at least.
After that incident we were careful to stay out from under any more acorn bearing oak trees.
Safely back at the Castle we took a break and figured out what was for supper. It was an excellent choice. Bell pepper, yellow crookneck squash, onion, thin sliced boneless pork chop were the main ingredients. Spices were fresh ground black pepper, garlic powder and Mc Cormicks Italian seasoning.
A teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of water and the cooking got busy. Six minutes later the feast was ready for enjoying.
We have plans to leave Alabama on October 18 to head to Rockport Tx to check on an eye doctor that comes with high recommendations from a few folks we know. That will also put us there right at the start of flounder fishing season. We have reservations for two months at the Quiet One RV Park. It is $225 a month cheaper than Point Mallard here in Alabama and has more amenities but a lot farther from the grand kids. But we bet you we will find some way of trying to have tooooo much fun.