
X Marks the Spot

Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-15-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Walking was taken at a slower pace today. The distances were also less and the OFM knees said Thank You to the rest of the OFM Walking Team. It was a good day of repair for the joints of the OFM.

 It seems the allergies of the area are up in arms now. The OFM woke this morning all stuffy with balance trouble and ears that felt stuffy.  As the day wore on nothing got worse but when we were walking through the brush the OFM sniffles got a lot worse than they were when we were at the shore fishing.

The best we can identify them, these are mesquite blossoms as they are starting the allergy attack on humans. They are actually very pretty flowers in real life.  The little balls are about 1/2“ in diameter at the time of the photo. If the OFM recalls correctly they will hit about 3/4“ in diameter and get a bit  more sausage shaped in the very near future.

While walking among the screen shelters we found this elderly large X nailed to the ground. It probably marks the spot for the volcano to erupt in the near future. Or who knows what out here in the wasteland of South Texas.

Tomorrow is the start of our fourth week staying here in Falcon State Park. The original plan was a week to ten days but the weather has been way colder than in the recent past few years both here and in our next destination Del Rio, Tx.

For the time being it appears that it will be finally warming enough in the Del Rio area we should start that direction next Sunday. The Teams are ready for some canyons and cliffs to play in. In the past the canyons and cliffs have been a wonderful place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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