
Unexpected Adventure

Adventure Location: Hwy 83 Side Road, Zapata County, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-25-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

We were just heading south on Hwy 83 from a good lunch of chicken chalupas in Zapata, Texas.  Sierra was easing along the highway fast enough to not be a bother and slow enough for the rest of the Teams to enjoy the scenery. The outdoor temperature was a balmy temp and dry air. Check the dash temperature shown in this pic.

The scenery is really pretty good also isn’t it. Hard to believe that tomorrow night we are supposed to be at 37F Thursday morning.

We got to the intersection of the road from Randado to Hwy 83 and a nice green sign said “Falcon Lake” that a way with a nice arrow pointing the way. ERRrrrk and Sierra made the right turn without losing a tire. It was a gravel ranch road headed west to Mexico. These Ranch roads around here are sand with gravel added once every ten years or so. About every five years a road grader might make a bit of an effort at smoothing them. Other than that you are on your own. Well the sign said the lake was this a way so we trudged on along for about several minutes. It was typical South Texas ranching/hunting land. Here is a typical view of a late winter South Texas ranch road.

Along the way we were passing entry gates to different pastures or ranches. Here is one of the typical double gates for one road entrance we see a lot of around here.

We don’t know for sure these days but back in the 60‘s any ranch under about 500 acres was considered basically a city lot and worthless.

Finally we went far enough and the road was getting rougher than the OFM wanted to test Sierra on. So we turned around at a wide spot and headed back to Hwy 83. We would liked to have gotten to Falcon Lake but the OFM decided the risk of leaving pieces of the under part of Sierra lying in the road was too high.

So we headed back to the highway and called it a nice adventure for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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