
Grab a Cloud

Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-17-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Good Grief it was hot today and supposed to be hotter tomorrow. The OFM thought the heat would hit after noon so he took the Walking Team out for a go around the loop that circles the inside of the park.

Out on the road in the campground the wind was doing a good job of helping keep folks less hot. But the minute the Teams entered the brush where the trails meander, that was the end of any breeze. The OFM soon was feeling the sun and hot air with no breeze. The trails are nice and decently wide. Here is a picture of the nice trail with the wonderful bright sunny day we had.

The halfway point on the trail from where we started is the park office. When we got there the OFM wisely got into the shade and sat for a bit. The bottle of water we expected to easily last for the whole trail with water left over like in the previous days was empty at the park office. The OFM went inside to refill the bottle and the ceiling fan and AC felt really good so he stayed inside for several minutes just cooling off.

When he came back outside to the rest of the Team he announced “We are taking the shortest way back we can.” And there was no discussion to be had.

He took it slower and stayed in the shade of the trees as much as possible and we followed the road back to the Castle. Yep it was too hot for the OFM Walking Team.  The thermometer in the Castle was showing this and it was 1130.

And that was the end of significant outdoor efforts until nearly dark this evening.

The OFM decided it was a good time to do some more work on the picture he was making. So the colored pencils were retrieved and put to work. Sometimes the pencil made errors and the OFM had to erase the error and correct the pencil’s error. Dumb Pencils.

Any way he finally gave up and called it finished or was it I quit. We don’t remember but here it is anyway. Be sure you are sitting down when you look at it so you will not get hurt when you fall down with laughter at the ineptitude displayed.

We have to make a choice by next Sunday what to do since we are required by state park policy to leave the park for at least one day. Do we head somewhere else or the county free park? It all depends on the weather  to decide where we will be trying to have tooooo much fun.

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