
Painting History

Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-18-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Barb in FL had a suggestion in a comment about the painting the OFM had splattered on the paper.
“If you use a picture as your guide maybe you could show us.”

We will be glad to show you how the painting GRAB A CLOUD came to be. But it needs to be stated that pictures and scenes and word descriptions and many other things cause an inspiration for a scene for an artist.  If all they did was copy a scene then they are just being a terrible camera. 

Here is the original photo of the weed that inspired Grab A Cloud. The photo was taken in the Rockport Community Park a few months ago and languished for a while until finally a few weeks ago the OFM got the inspiration needed for the painting. By the way the painting is in colored pencil.

From start to finish the painting took about two months. Total time making the art was something around 30-40 hours. Several line sketches were made to decide on the final arrangement. Then a quick sketch was made and lightly colored in to decide on the color of pencils needed for what was wanted in the final product. And then the WORK started.

And finally the finished product was presented to the world to increase the laughter around the globe. 

But the OFM definitely came close to having tooooo much fun during the production process.

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