
Wild Skies

Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-16-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The State Park was a lot more busy today. That means more folks to have conversations with and lots more people to watch. From at the boat ramp we could see lots of folks enjoying the very warm temperatures and the beach. Now and then the music could barely be heard and the laughter carried way up the hills to the top where we took this picture of the fun happening.

Late in the evening we had some really wild clouds swarming the heavens. We have no idea what was happening but it was exciting for sure.

A shopping trip to Rio Grande City (Rio for short) to Walmart resulted in the thirsty Sierra drinking a tank full of gas at $1.999 a gallon. $63 of groceries came home with us in four small plastic bags. But we plan to be eating well in the near future.

Walmart is about 31 miles one way from our campsite and the round trip took us almost two hours. We did get to see the end of some police action on highway 83. We got to see the last couple of seconds as a car trying to run away finally went into the shallow ditch and stopped. The four police folks swarmed the vehicle and it was over.

Then the city water supply for the state park was off for a few hours while the water district did some major changes to the water piping on the two tall tanks near here. That did not bother the Teams since we are running on our internal water supply tank anyway. They did a good job of minimizing the down time and all is running well now.

And finally tonight the skies decided to  make a lot of electrons get used taking pictures during sunset. 23 exposures were taken of the sunset and this one was chosen to be the one for tonight.

One thing for sure it was a very full day of trying to have tooooo much fun in many different ways.

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