
Nice Moon

Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-13-2020

Busy, busy, busy today. But first last night had a great moon with the light broken cloud cover. It took several tries with the camera but this one came out fair enough to give you an idea of how neat the night sky was.

That was almost worth staying up to see. “almost”

Most of the fun today was either visiting folks or walking around in the desert brush on the walking trails in the State Park. The first walk was around two miles and went down along the lake shore. We were searching for art possibles and ended up getting several along with a lot of great exercise on the uneven surfaces.

Some folks the Teams knew from crossing paths with them in the past pulled in last evening, spotted the Castle and Sierra and knew the OFM was meandering around somewhere. The OFM was near the boat ramp finishing the first walk when he heard someone call out his human name. He looked around and there was JT and Shirley. They are extremely pleasant folks. We got in a good 2 hour catching up before we split up for lunch.

Then in the afternoon the Teams decided the OFM needed some more exercise so they dragged him outside, stood him up and pointed to the loop trail around the park. Off we went to what turned out to be a nice long walk of about three miles.

About midway we came out of the brush at the office building and was looking for the outside drinking fountain.  Suddenly we realized it was gone. So the OFM went inside to get water for the water bottle.

While we were inside we noticed a new to us display cabinet. There were two pretty neat items at the cabinet. One was this large stuffed owl. That is a pretty good sized bird with long sharp claws.

Just below it and to the right was this skin for our enjoyment.

Yep there are rattle snakes in the desert. It amazes us how often folks want to know if the parks lets things like snakes and other wild critters live in the park.

One important item we did notice during this walk is that the Achoooooo trees are blooming really well.  That day and a half of rain/drizzle must have been just what the plants wanted. The new header picture shows growth that has come out since the rains quit a few hours ago.

Like we have said many times before, when the desert gets ready to bloom, it blooms with great vigor in a very short time so have the camera ready.  In the meantime we are going to rest up for another day of jawing and trying to have tooooo much fun.

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