
Furnace Failed

Adventure Location: Falcon County Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 2-7-2020
Notice this is for Friday night but likely will not publish until Saturday some time.

It was a fairly cold night last night. Mid forties is what the OFM “memory” recalls.  But what we all recall is that the comfort heating furnace failed.  The indications are that it is the 15 year old control card that bit the dirt. The furnace has never been used much at all so we are guessing it is pure aging that caused the trouble.

The second mishap is that we get nearly no Internet at this spot. So we spent a lot of time checking the rest of the park for Internet.  We have a couple of spots of interest and plan to shift to one of them in the morning. If that works out we plan to be here a bit longer. If it doesn’t work out we will be giving careful consideration to alternatives that are not quite as cheap as free.

As the Teams were wandering the park with the Hotspot in hand, the OFM heard his name called out. When the fellow waved him over, the OFM headed towards that stranger.  When we got closer the OFM recognized him as Rick from a couple of times we crossed paths in Del Rio dry camping facilities.  We had a pretty good jawing session and plan to get back at it Saturday.

We realized we need to swap good camping spots with each other. He needs to know more about New Mexico and the OFM needs to know about any place anywhere.

One thing about this park and all the interwinding dirt roads/walking paths, you will usually cross paths with another traveler to exchange information. And more importantly more places for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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