
Really Busy Day


Adventure Location: Rockport Tx area

Adventure Date: 1-29-2023

From the time we awoke it has been a busy day. So we will hit a couple of highlights for our report tonight.

First thing this morning we hit the fishing pier at the Rockport Harbor that readers have seen a few times before.

It was a good place to work the kinks out of the OFM's absence from fishing casting. We did not get any bites but he did get a good refresher course in lure in the wind control. When we finished that chore we headed to the restrooms at the marina where we found a lot of fresh green growth on the shrubbery around the 

After visiting Don and Pasty at their rv for a good while, we decided to meet for lunch Tuesday after Sierra is repaired. It will be a goodbye lunch until we meet again since the OFM Teams is supposed to pull out the next morning. They are a fun couple and good friends.

We somehow managed to meet two new couples  that are starting their full timing and swapped stories and concepts about many Rving things. The last couple was down at the campground waterfront while the OFM was trying for a sunset photo. This is the picture that came out of that new friendship happening.

It might get to be a coloring if the OFM can make it happen and do it justice.

We talked until it was plain old dark before the OFM started his 2 mile walk back to the Castle. We were lucky that a bit of a moon was slightly lighting the roadways. The OFM only stepped in one shallow puddle on the way back . We found it an interesting long walk in the dark and may need to try that again soon. But a flashlight with him would be a good safety precaution. Tomorrow promises to be another wonderful day of trying to have tooooo have tooooo much fun for our own good he he he.


  1. I find the idea of your walking in the dark SCARY! You sure don't need another fall! Geesh. Sounds like what I would have said to my Old Man. Sorry. Just automatic reaction. Just want you to be able to have fun! That is a beautiful picture you took.

    1. Yes you are right and it was a nervous time but I did not want to sleep laying in the salt mud feeding the mosquitoes.
