
Trunk Lizard


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 01-15-2023

The day was nice all day but especially in the afternoon it was almost warm and folks got out of their rigs and did things. Guess what the OFM did. Went walking of course. As we exited the back of the campground there they were. About a hundred soccer folks practicing or watching and rooting. That soccer really has some strong fans.

The winter that beat down on the vegetation must be nearly over since there is almost no green anywhere now. However the darker colors of the area now can be fairy pretty too. At one point we stopped to consider a photo and chose no. Then the OFM looked behind us and thought Wow that is a nice path scene. So we fiddled around with some changing sunlight and took this photo that we think is very nice.

A little way farther along Flint Creek we came across a Trunk Lizard coming out of the water. They get pretty big. We hear they also get mean at times like hungry time so we stayed on back a ways and took this shot with a telephoto setting. It is a nice winter scene even with that monster in it we think.

On along the path we came to a spot of significance. This picture is of the I-65 bridge we should be on Saturday morning heading south (right) toward Goose Island State Park Texas.

We have a five day drive planned to get there. I-65 from here south to Birmingham Al. Then I-20 west to just inside Texas to Martin Creek State Park then follow the state roads to Rockdale then turn south and follow the roads to Goose Island SP. Since we have been off the trailering since July 7 we wanted to give ourselves an extra day to make the 987 mile tow. It is not a hard tow but it is a solid four days for us when the OFM is in good towing shape.

We hope every one is having a great New Year trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I LOVE the path scene, and that trunk lizard looks some scary!
