
New Lifestyle Planned


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 01-14-2023

This is what started the art part of the OFM's life. He was sitting on the stair steps of his new apartment in Richland Washington in early April of 2002 starting a new life as a single man in a new environment he had never experienced before. The new job was different than anything in his life before. After supper he picked up a plain paper tablet and an HB pencil and started to draw. Draw what, Who knows! But it was the first serious attempt at something artsy. This is what it turned out like.

There has been lots of things passed through his life since that day. And today it happened again.

 Today marks a change in the OFM's lifestyle again. We will be making this campground a home base for trips to look around and see what we can find to see. Our grand kids are old enough that we can make a difference in their lives with our assisting them. Their parents are doing a wonderful job of raising them but we noticed this fall that the GRAMPA effect is significant and the OFM cannot allow himself to not be here helping when he can. Very importantly the grands parents want the OFM to help and be an important part of the grands lives. It would take a complete imbecile to turn away from this opportunity.

Between regular school and after school things like gymnastics competitions and the other grandparents, the OFM feels he will be able to get in properly scheduled longer 4-8 week trips at least twice a year during the good seasons. To be honest the 76 year old body probably needs the break when it is too cold or too hot.

It helps tremendously that we have found this area to be rather pleasant and compatible with excellent healthy habits like long walks and seasons. Could this be what some folks called semi-retirement?

To add to the story, we have been checking different sources in the area, both folks and literature, and there are quite a few tourist places within a day or an overnight stay in a cheap motel with items that may be interesting to see and report on between the longer trips. So the end result for the OFM attitude is that he has a lot to take care of and report on it. You know that a campground sometimes can be a great place to find out what is around the area for visiting and trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Barney, this sounds like a good plan. You will share in happy times with the kids. That is something irreplaceable. I still hope you come to Texas, though.

    1. Most of my "unfinished business" is in west Texas and eastern New Mexico. I should cross into Texas for a while on Jan 22 next week.

    2. My personal email is in the about me section just below the header pic.

  2. I am glad the grandkids and parents are appreciative of the benefits of OFM. That makes you feel good. And me, too. I like for you to be happy.

  3. Great decision on your part. There's lots and lots of fascinating places in Northern Alabama and Georgia, along with the Tennessee/North Carolina border area. And the best thing is they're all within a day's drive of Decatur.

    1. I would love to hear about some of them at Thank you.

  4. Making that special bond with the Grands between adventures is a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. Sounds like a quality change... being a grandparent can be important work. Family work at that!!

    1. I feel you have hit the idea dead center. Thank you for the comment.

  6. Good plan Barney. I'm halfway there with you now. There are dozens of Corps of Engineers Campgrounds with an easy day's drive from you if you decide to go that route instead of motel. Be safe out there.....

    1. Good morning Darrell. Thanks for the reminder of the COE campgrounds, Have fun.

  7. I like that old wagon wheel drawing of yours.

  8. Sounds like a great plan Barney. You have had so many years of adventures on the road...this is a totally new adventure-being part of a grandchild's life. Touche.
