
Met A Stranger


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 01-16-2023

Tomorrow starts the get ready to roll again effort. Saturday morning will be here very soon and so far nothing has popped up to stop the rolling. There sure has been a lot of plans gone poooof in the last four months, but we are still forcing the issue of getting gone at the first safe chance available. And no the right eye does not see exactly correctly but it keeps changing and getting better.

Today turned out to be a stay inside in the morning day. The OFM was feeling bit puny so we pampered him with lots of research time on the computer.

An interesting event at Burger King at lunch killed about three hours there. A fellow the Teams had never met before came in and got his order about noon. We said a couple of Howdys and the interesting conversation lasted until 1605. It was a very refreshing time with him. He lives in the next town east of the burger joint and is retired also. It is really wonderful when things like that happen.

A few days ago the OFM decided to start the get ready work going on a new self generated painting. So we grabbed the preliminary sketch pad and a few colored pencils and started to sketch. Then we switched to watercolor pencils so the roughness of the paper would not show so badly. When we minimally whetted the paper for the water color pencil to activate the paper curled up big time. We had forgotten about that happening before when we tried this technique of starting a painting. So now it happened again. Here is what we got after working on getting most the curl out of the paper.


After that mess we took the paper and tried to just use colored pencil on it to continue the planning effort. We proved without a doubt that we started with the whole idea being wrong. However that is what this early type of effort is about--- working out the difficulties before going to the real painting paper.

That mug of hot chocolate made the frustration much more tolerable.

To those who do not know the OFM well, he does not consider this a failure because we know now much better about the materials we will be using. AND much better about how we will present the whole painting. Plus we had a good reason to enjoy a mug of hot chocolate while trying to have too much fun.


  1. I can't remember, but there are some things to do to keep the paper from buckling/curling. Good luck. I'm having a dreadful time with my painting at the moment. The one I'm working on looks like it's from a coloring book. No depth, no unity, just areas of colors. Well, I'll keep trying. So glad you are going to get on the road, your goal for quite a while! Best wishes.

    1. Good luck with your painting efforts and everything else in your life. This was just sketch paper I grabbed and it was a dumb error for someone with my experience but it was just a planning effort so not a big deal.

  2. I'm sure the painting will come out fine with all your preparations. Nice to meet locals and gain their perspective on the area. Hope you're ready to move.

  3. I will be Saturday morning. Than you for reading and commenting on my blog.

  4. Is the little guy going to jump? Or fall? Looks like a long way down. Maybe he's just looking. Maybe he will see your trunk lizard from yesterday.

  5. Hi Barney. Did you get the email I attempted to send you a few days back? JerryC...

    1. Yes I did. At this moment 1721 CDT this is the third try to answer but all the computer systems here seem to be unable to send replies. I hope this one sends.
