
Memorial Park Walking Path Report


Adventure Location: Rockport Tx area

Adventure Date: 1-27-2023

It was a day of lots of visiting with old friends and good Mexican food at San Juan restaurant in Aransas Pass Tx. The day passed quickly with lots of joviality and smiles.

The Memorial Park path system has been part of the OFM walking program every time we come here. We went to check it out to see what shape it is in. We are reporting it in good walking shape.

The paths are in good surface repair and no danger to the walkers from surface defects.

The bird life is in good shape. The dog park was busy with happy dog dogging around.

The large pond had a few ducks on it and they seemed very healthy. So we consider the pond to be in good shape also.

The vegetation has not had the serious freezing damage we had in north Alabama. These vines and berries next to the path are in good shape so winter was kind to them.

At another spot on the path we stuck the camera into the green growth as far as we could and took this picture of the “interior” growth of the trees and other vegetation. It looks to be in good shape to explode in growth soon.

It is soon to be warmer weather around here and likely sweating weather by the end of February.

Check out this video from TPW.

The OFM Teams are not birders at all but here on the Texas coast around Rockport is a lot of birder activities. We see lots of different birds when fishing or walking. In fact here is a video put out about the area and birding.

So   it was a great day on the coast of Texas and tomorrow should be another great day of trying to have tooooo much fun in the sun.


  1. So, sounds like life is being good! Yea. Sometimes that happens!!

    1. Yep pretty good. The truck still has a repair on next Tuesday that we hope can be completed on time for the wednesday leaving.

  2. Yes, you are in Bird Nirvana...according to the birders I know. Last time we were there, I was shocked at all the species, and it was not even time for those birds to migrate. Lucky you!
