
Good Walking Day


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 01-19-2023

We are late getting started on the blog tonight. Lots going on in the day as we prepare for rolling. The day was beautiful and the walking was even nicer. In fact it was so nice we got in 3.5 miles total. When we went out the back of the campground and out of the trees the sky was nearly overwhelming. Check it our

One of the first things we noticed is this new growth on the rose bushes over by the large pavilion. It was happening on about fifty of the bushes, so here is the easy one to get to.

And the walking continued until we got to the catfish hole where the fishermen were having success and doing a lot of friendly talking at the same time.

Down through another more grown up area near the trail was this vine headed for a spring head start. The green was even prettier than it looks in this picture.

We have been putting things away etc in anticipation of a gentle start on Saturday. We even opened a large plastic tub of “spare” stuff and got rid of over half of that. We have no idea why some of it was still being carried around. But it is not now in our possession. Since this campground does not have a FREE table all the stuff went into the dumpster.

We have been considering what to resupply with at the grocery store tomorrow. The cabinet search reminded us that this event had had to be rescheduled twice before now due to eyeballs troubles. So we are no where near as short of food as the OFM was afraid we might be. It seems that tomorrow will be a lot lighter food bill than we expected.

We found a package of Knorr noodles tonight and a few small sausages and combined it to have for supper but we a bit later found some small ham chunks to add to the mess.

When supper was all done we started filling the storage containers we normally use and filled three of them. So that is three meals right there. We only have four nights on the road for our start of 2023 travels so we are in pretty good shape.

The Teams are really noticing the automaticness we used to have on getting ready is seriously missing right now. We hope it returns quickly. Tomorrow should be an easy day for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. A new word----automaticness---- and I know exactly what it means! When that is missing, we have to be extra careful. Wishing you a good experience on the road.

    1. Thank you very much. We will see what my new eyesight allows.

  2. Do you have a list? Lists help me 'not' forget....

  3. Not really a list. Just 54 years of trailering and a mental list of critical things like trailer coupler properly coupled?

  4. Barney I hope you have a safe and fun trip to Texas and all goes well for you.
