
Fishing Pier and Bay Front Camping Tour


Adventure Location: Rockport Tx area

Adventure Date: 1-28-2023

The nasty wet drizzle went on all day into tonight. The temperature was cool but not cold so we lucked out on that. But we did manage a tour of the bay front camping facilities and the fishing pier.

The pier has been refurbished a few times in the 50 years the OFM has been coming here but this pier is from Hurricane Harvey wiping the old pier clean off the face of the earth a few years ago. The day was very gray and drizzling so the pictures are a case of what we see is all the OFM could get.

The pier is a very long and nicely designed one for lots of folks to have room for using it.

At proper spots there are stairs down to the reefs that cross under the pier at places. A person can go down the stairs and wade or walk along the oyster reef and have fun messing around. Here is one of the stairs.

We took this next picture from on the pier using zoom of the bottom. The water depth is about three feet in this shot.

On the way to the pier you get to drive through the Bay Front Camping sites. They are just a few feet from in the water and usually get well splashed by the salt water of the bay. We NEVER camp where our home gets soaked in saltwater.

We camp back inland a few hundred yards where the fresh salt water does not get to. BUT the salt air definitely does get to us. Here we are driving carefully to our current site in the heavy drizzles of today.

At least the towns in this area have Mexican style that is flavorful and not bland. We choose the lightly warm gringo sauces on our food but there are a couple of places the “heat” can get pretty dramatic. Our buddy Don would be the one to tell you where they are. Tonight we had chicken tacos with mild heat and they were wonderful for the wimpy OFM. And that is a fantastic way to finish off a day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Ah back in the land of some good Mexican food. Yay. Gosh, I remember 40 years ago everything down on the coast always looked kind of rusty. Haven't noticed it in the last 20 years. Maybe they have good coatings now to protect against salt. Even so, I wouldn't spend much time parked with an RV or my car near the salt water down there. And oh, on the subject of food, you can now have some gulf stuff. Though somehow I think you're not a big fish or shrimp or oyster fan. As far as I can recall, you've never mentioned any of those. Well, chow down on the tacos.

    1. Been a big time saltwater and freshwater fisherman for bay and jetty fish all my life and still am. Do not like oysters at all but have harvested gallons of them in my life because rest of family loved them. We gathered our own from Offats Bay in Galveston. Shrimp I am very fond of but no longer do shrimping to catch my own and they are tooooooo expensive fresh here in Texas for me and I no longer can by in the hundred pound purchases I used to since my storage space is nil. I do eat fish several times a month but not near as much as I used to. Mostly I just enjoy the catching and toss them back in since fileting one fish involves too much bother. Most of my fish eating nowadays (pollock normally) is a fish patty instead of beef on a burger about five times a month.

  2. Hey Barney. We have been out of internet range for the past couple of weeks. Sure glad to read that you made the journey without a hitch. Hope you're able to enjoy every minute back down in Texas.

    1. Thank you. It has been nice to be at the coast for a change. But I am looking forward to Falcon Heights tx also.
