
Too Hot Again


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 7-28-2022

We got a little earlier start this morning and the coolness was wonderful. As we were stumbling along the campground road the OFM finally noticed how badly messed up the roads are in here. Check out this very short section of the main loop of part of the campsites. This is how badly the roads in the campground are torn up in several places.

We think it is mostly caused by a case of not building the roads to handle the size of the RV rigs that they are nowadays.

But the OFM made it out of the campground safely to the long all the way around the golf course road and turned left to get in a nice walk. The scenery we first got to enjoy we call flowers and sunshine.

The walk was expected to be not too hot and we had a good supply of root beer with us. And the OFM was being careful about keeping it to a “hot weather “ pace and we were careful.

At the place where the gravel along the river trail joined the loop trail we turned off the paved road onto the gravel trail and kept our speed a bit slower because the vegetation stopped all the breeze we were getting on the paved portion of the loop road.

On down the trail a good ways we found this spot where the lake had washed a splash hole through the bank under a small tree and caused the tree to go swimming. We guess it will be there another five or so years.

A little on down the trail the breeze got blocked by all the vegetation and right soon after that the OFM called HOT STOP to make a decision. The whole team agreed that we did not want to hike in the state of the heat and breeze we were in at this moment. So the vote to turn back was 349 to 0 and we headed back. The OFM body was having a little trouble by the time we got back to the paved road and some breeze. The Team made the pace slower and we got back to the Castle later than planned but in decent shape. However we did take it easy the rest of the day as it was a HOT day. The hottest time in the area according to the weather folks is the next four weeks so we likely will be extra careful for a month or so. Our trying to have tooooo much fun for the next month will likely be a bit less vigorous. Public school starts on Wednesday of next week so things will be changing again around town.


  1. Yes. Amble instead of walk this time of year where you are.

    1. l think you are right. Maybe some of my 75 years causing part of the trouble.

  2. Great composition on the shot of those lovely crepe myrtles. I admire your get up and go getting your walks in most days. Take Care, Linda

  3. That road bed was definitely made for RVs no bigger then the Castle but most have units that are at least double the weight.
    Nice scenic pictures.
    It's a good thing to adjust your walks according to the heat level.
    Spending time with the grands before they return to school might be a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the visiting.

    It's about time.
