
Good 2 Mile Route

Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 7-18-2022

The Teams made a more aggressive attempt at being more careful on the exercise distance. It is pretty easy keeping the pace reasonable but guessing the miles is more difficult until we do them and measure them on Google earth. Today we made two miles total and it was just right in the cooler air here than back in Rockport Tx.

We walked out from the campground on the wide trail that is paved near and parallel to entrance road to Point Mallard complex. As we were making good time a fellow called out a hello as he passed us right at the golf course entrance.

As you can see this route is paved and nice walking the whole way around the golf course. Our route did not go all the way around but came back to the campground on the same path but in reverse. About 2/3 of the path is shaded and that is really nice.

As we got to where a drainage goes under the path and across the golf course we could see another tree had gone down. It is another tree we have been waiting on for a few years to fall.

 There were a few small limbs still lying around but the dangerous part was all cleaned up. We appreciate safer walking paths.

Not to far on past the downed tree is a spot the plastic fence got whapped and broken.

This could easily been one of the large mowers they use for mowing the area here. All of this is mowed by the golf course mowers and they definitely cut a lot of vegetation in a hurry when they are running. In the past we have seen a fence repair team out here with equipment replacing pieces of fence as needed. They keep the course in pretty nice shape most of the time year around.

Eventually we hit the place where the loop road makes it around the course and joins the park entry road. There is even a parking lot at that spot to help folks have more places to park so they can vary the walking/biking/running trails they choose to use for fun and exercise. These trails are kept in usable condition just about all year around we have found.

From here we returned by the same route to the Castle and went inside to measure the distance on the computer. To our surprise it turned out to be a few hundred feet more than two miles of easy walking surface. We will carefully search for other varied paths that will let us get two miles of trying to have tooooo much fun and great pictures also.



  1. Sounds like you are getting back to being in fine fettle. Ever thought about a pedometer? There are all kinds. You don't have to get a sissy one like I have that's a bracelet. I've had a Fitbit for years and like it because it is accurate and reports to my computer without my having to do anything, so I get a good picture of what I've done for days or weeks or months or years at a time. (I don't care about all the health monitoring stuff; just steps.) I am sure there are other things that do this.......On the other hand, google maps are fun, and seeing a map of where you've been is nice....

    1. Judith has a good idea. My phone has an app that tells me how far I've gone as long as I carry it. It just sits there telling me how far I've gone if I care to look at it.

  2. Thanks for the ideas about getting information in that form.

  3. Being out in all that fresh air with all of Nature's beauty is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
