
408 Miles


Adventure Location: Martin Creek Lake State Park SP, Texas

Today's Date: 7-5-2022

We had a sleepless night worrying that things would go decent. The traffic was basically non-existent all day. It was about 0630 when we cleared the campground gate. The whole rig rolled well and we suddenly got that wonderful rolling feeling. Everything rolled so well we were at our first fuel purchase right across the street from Sonny's at 1030 instead of noon.

After some consideration and a snack we decided to attempt to get to tomorrows stop today. The OFM was feeling good at that time so we set off. The OFM is doing better from the head knocking but is not well yet. Sure enough by the time we had lunch late he was miserable but we went on to the finish point for tomorrow. That gave us 408 miles for today and a miserable OFM. When we got here to the lake it was 96F for an air temperature. The OFM needs more healing time before we press things like that again.

Apparently this brain injury really will take a minimum of six weeks to heal. In the meantime that thing can really hurt at times.

The first picture is from just after we turned north away from the coast.

The second is after we were inland a bit and the land is a lot more rolling.

Now we have to work on healing before we roll in the morning. However you can be certain we will not even think about doing a double run tomorrow. We need to leave more time for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Whoa! You really got going! Glad you made it OK so far......

  2. Take it slow, Barney. One day at a time. Hopefully you'll just piddle along on Wednesday. And you'll still be a day ahead of schedule.

  3. Taking time to stay rested for long drives is a better way of having tooooo much fun.
    Travel Safe and take the time to Enjoy.

    It's about time.

  4. 330 miles or stop by 3:30 p.m. is our rule....or we are miserable too. Take it easy.
